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Dinky little Pixie was found with another dog, Trixie, who is also looking for a home. We think that Pixie may be Trixie’s daughter.

NAME: Pixie

DATE ADDED: 24/12/2024

AGE (when posted): 2 years old*

SEX: Female

BREED: Mixed Breed

DETAILS: Dinky little Pixie was found with another dog, Trixie, who is also looking for a home. We think that Pixie may be Trixie’s daughter.

Pixie is a tiny girl who weighs around 6kg. She’s approximately 2 years old.

She’s friendly and gets along well with other dogs. Pixie is at the shelter where there are a lot of larger dogs. She’d love to be in a home with all the comforts that she so needs and deserves.

A shelter is no place for a little dog in winter.

Adoption fee of £705 and a home check will apply.

*age is approximate at time of adding to website

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